[Free PDF.IKJn] View of the Hebrews or The Tribes of Isreal in America
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This famous book by preacher and theologian Ethan Smith puts forth the notion that the Native American tribes are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The idea that the distant forebears of the Native American tribes had somehow arrived in North America long ago from Israel, perhaps during the Great Flood described in the Biblical Old Testament, was a popular belief in the USA during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Lacking an alternative explanation for the tribal peoples, the preachers of the era advanced this Israelite theory, which gained currency especially among the more pious Christians in the fledgling United States. Concepts that Ethan Smith and others advanced were later discredited by anthropologists, who determined that the ancestors of the Native American peoples had in fact migrated across the frozen plains of Alaska. Despite being disproven by later research, View of the Hebrews remains interesting for its insight into the popular beliefs and suppositions of religious scholars at the time. View of the Hebrews is also famous today for the influence it had in the establishment of Mormonism. The Book of Mormon has, in several chapters, parallels of opinions and tone to Ethan Smith's View of the Hebrews. This has led later scholars to suppose that Joseph Smith, the founder and prophet of the Mormon faith, had read this book at some point and used it to compose his own prophetical work. Ethan Smith was a lifelong clergyman who was born in Massachusetts, New England. In his youth, he witnessed the American Revolution succeed: thereafter he embarked upon a long career as a member of the Congregationalist clergy, authoring several popular books on theological themes. He lived to the age of eighty-seven - at the time a remarkable lifespan - and was reputed to have memorized much of the Bible by heart, so that he could continue to preach even as his eyesight failed. Anglo - America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Anglo - America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Did the United States descend from Manasseh and Great Britain Canada Australia and New Zealand Descend from The Hebrew People of the Bible What Color are They? THE LAW KEEPERS The Hebrew People of the Bible What Color are They? By Chawviv ben Yisrael For years people of the world have been led to believe that the people of The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes Beit Hatfutsot Haim F Ghiuzeli After the death of King Solomon (d928 BCE) his realm was divided into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea The territory of the Kingdom The Twelve Tribes of Israel - Jewish Virtual Library The Tribes of Israel are the traditional divisions of the ancient Jewish people Biblical tradition holds that the twleve tribes of Israel are descended from the sons List of African Tribes who are Descendants of the Hebrew The following is a partial list of the various tribes throughout north south east and west Africa who are descendants of the Hebrew Israelite Lies Concerning the Northern Kingdom Israelites Lies Concerning the Northern Kingdom Israelites The purpose of this first piece is to expose the lies that surround the identity of the children of Israel The Ten Lost Tribes - Jewish Virtual Library The ten lost tribes refers to the legend concerning the fate of the ten tribes constituting the northern Kingdom of Israel The Kingdom of Israel - consisting of the Israelite Tribes Living In Africa Today - YouTube Many Israelites live in Africa especially in the west coast This documentry explores the tribes and their customs How did Jesus and the Hebrews become WHITE? Ancient Man and His First Civilizations How did Jesus and the Hebrews become WHITE? How did the Hebrews turn White? Of course they didn't really; just in the Black Hebrew Israelites Apologetics Index Black Hebrew Israelites (also Black Hebrews African Hebrew Israelites and Hebrew Israelites) are groups of people mostly of Black African ancestry situated mainly
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